About Right Care

Jade Elder, B.Sc, Nursing

Right Care Co-Founder

If you ask Sherajade (‘Jade’) Elder why she feels so strongly about her dedication to her clients, she’ll tell you that it’s how she was raised, how everyone in her home in the Philippines is instilled with the responsibility to care for their cherished, aging family members. It is this philosophy of respect and devotion, coupled with her dedication to caring for the health of those around her that have become the foundational core for Right Care.

Jade has a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing and earned her degree with a special focus on major impairment, hospice care, wound care and re-habilitation.

Jade began practicing her craft in 2008. Since then she has been able to expand her skill set to encompass Advanced Respite, Re-habilitation and Hospice Care as well as attending to those who are recovering from strokes, COPD, Diabetes, Chronic Kidney failure, Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Further study included certifications in Burn Care Management, First Aid and BCLS with Associate Coursework in Community Nursing. Jade is a proud recipient of the 2008 Nightingale Academic Achievement Award from General Santos Medical School Foundation.

Fluent in English with a basic comprehension of spoken and written Spanish, Jade is deeply committed to having a positive impact on the lives of our precious and treasured senior loved ones and family members.

Personalized In-Home Care to Fit Senior Lifestyles and Their Changing Needs